Robert Pattinson = Edward Cullen
12/28/2012uhhhh kalo liat si Rob ini kelepek kelepek deh. ana termasuk Twihard (yang suka sama serial Twilight). hihi
ana like Robert Pattinson because he is so handsome :3
Ini biodata Rob :
Nama Lengkap : Robert Thomas Pattinson
Nama panggilan : Rob, RPattz, Spunk Ransom, Patty :3
TTL : London, Inggris 13 Mei 1986
Warna rambut : coklat, Warna mata : biru kehijauan/abu-abu/hazel
Tinggi : 185cm
Alat musik yang disukai : piano dan gitar :3
Olah raga : Sepakbola, Ski, Seluncur es, olahraga air
Orang tua : Clare Pattinson (Ibu), Richard Pattinson (Ayah)
Musik Fav : Blues, Rap
Warna kesukaan : Abu-abu
Filmografi :
(2004) The Ring Of The Nibelungs, Vanity Vair
(2005) Harry Potter : The Goblet of Fire
(2006) The Haunted Airman
(2007) The bad mother's Handbook, Harry Potter and The order of Phoenix, How to be
(2008) Twilight : The Summer House (unreleassed)
(2009) Little Ashes, Remember me, New moon
ALL TWILIGHT series :3
Nah This is the Picture of My Rob :
really handsome right?
follow me Twihard : @nadaani_26 :3
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